How to Train Yourself to Start a Morning Workout Routine
Tomorrow's the day. You’re finally going do that morning workout before heading into the office, just like you’ve always wanted. You set an alarm for 7 a.m., convinced that you are truly committed to a new fitness schedule.
Are You a Hoarder?
By now you’ve watched the Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, and learned she helps her clients clear out clutter—and choose joy. She asks if each item brings her joy and if it doesn’t she thanks the item and then gets rid of it. She then moves onto organizing the items that do bring joy.
Gardening Therapy: 5 Reasons You Might Want to Consider This Hobby
Are you looking for a way to improve your health? If so, gardening may be the perfect fit for you. Gardening offers physical and mental health benefits, promotes overall well-being and enhances life satisfaction in a number of ways.
Stop Making These Money Mistakes
There are all kinds of common money mistakes that people often make. These mistakes that keep them in debt or, at the least, keep them from accumulating as much money as they otherwise would have.
Money and Marriage Ten Tips for Sharing Your Finances
When you say your wedding vows, you and your spouse are promising to be a team in all aspects of life, including your finances. It can be challenging, but here are some strategies to help you work together in your financial life.
A Goat Load of Fun
As yoga increases in popularity, so do the number of yoga variations. Yoga is a great way to exercise—especially for those who want to relax or are seeking inner peace.
Age = A More Difficult Path to Weight Loss
Have you been trying to lose weight lately, only to find that it’s a bit harder than it used to be? It’s not uncommon. Unfortunately, it’s a natural part of aging—not just metabolism as many believe.
Let’s Get Dirty! Why Kids Need Early Exposure to Microbes
Kids may be “too clean” these days. As parents worry about germs, illnesses, infections and keeping their little ones safe, they may unwittingly over-sterilize their children’s environments, which may not be good for their children’s long-term health.
There’s Always Hope: Leaving an Abusive Relationship
When talking about someone in an abusive relationship, many ask the question “why don’t they just leave?” For people who have never experienced abuse themselves, this solution makes sense. Unfortunately, the decision to leave an abuser is a lot more complicated than simply walking away.
Is 50 Still The Magic Age For Colonoscopies?
Colorectal cancer is the third-leading cause of death in the United States, and the risk of developing it is 1 in 20. Although colorectal cancer can be very deadly, it is also very preventable and treatable.
5 Reasons Why Self-Care is Critical for Caregivers
Caring for a loved one who is going through a serious illness can be a rewarding experience in many ways. Caregivers often enjoy giving back to someone who once cared for them, with many saying that the experience increases meaning and purpose in life. A survey by the National Opinion Research Center found that 83 percent of caregivers viewed the experience as positive.
Fitness and Aging: A Key to Better Health Later in Life
We all know that exercise is important. Among other things, it can stave off illnesses, reduce stress and help control weight. Whether we are 20 or 80 years old, we all have days, maybe weeks, and sometimes months, when we do not want to exercise.
Tech Gadgets
If you’re like me, you love this time of year. It’s the time that tech gadgets of yesteryear go on sale and the gadgets of tomorrow make their debut on store shelves.
Energy Efficient?
For many of us, it can be really confusing to try to compare gas power vs. electric power. Despite being expected to do the same type of work, each uses a different relative unit of measurement.
How to Handle Your Teen’s Many Moods
The teenage years are a turbulent, troubling time for adolescents all over the world.