by Michael Bryant
Sleep, work and stress have a significant overall impact on our overall health. If you are among the many people who are stressed, work long hours and don’t get enough sleep, there will not be a quick and easy solution to change those issues.
However, if you are dealing with increased problems with weight gain, diabetes or even obesity, then you should take action and this may be of interest.
There has been recent research done in the United Kingdom that links the timing of calorie intake to obesity. The study indicates that if you consume the majority of your calories in the morning, you are less likely to be obese and you will work off the calories during the day.
There are a number of variables that come into play here, such as types of food are eaten, portion size and your activity level. However, a good healthy breakfast will start you in the right direction.
For those who prefer to eat late at night, studies have shown that skipping meals earlier in the day can result in an issue with insulin levels, and that heart and circulatory issues can arise when food is not processed properly. There is also the strong possibility that sleep, intended to heal the body, gets directed toward breaking down calories and away from taking care of the rest of the body.
The American Heart Association suggests that eating smaller meals multiple times a day is better for you overall. This includes an emphasis on eating food earlier, being active, and keeping a food diary to keep track of how your body reacts to different foods you eat and at different times.
In a statement, the AHA went further to say, “Allocating more calories earlier in the day might help reduce cardiovascular disease risk.” While this comes with a disclaimer that more studies needs to be conducted, it is clear that giving your body the most advantage in processing food at the right times is healthier in the long run.
An Italian study found that people who were following a Mediterranean diet lost more weight when the majority of their caloric intake was in through lunch vs. the afternoon and evening. This group also lost more body fat and used insulin more effectively, which is another advantage in warding off diabetes.
Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Ph.D., a researcher with Columbia University’s Institute of Human Nutrition, suggests in papers written for the AHA that the big difference is that fasting at night vs. doing so during an active day leads to better regulation of insulin and glucose in the body, key factors in preventing diabetes and having a stronger heart.
In conclusion, if you are going to be looking at a health plan, look at what you eat and when. You want to get enough calories in to strengthen your body, but in a way that holds your body back from doing other vital tasks.
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